Injuries sustained by an infant during the birthing process can entail devastating effects on an entire family. What was supposed to be a happy and blessed event quickly transforms into one with tragic and overwhelming consequences for a family. If this unexpected outcome is due to the negligence of the obstetrical team involved in the birth of the child, then compensation may be owing for the substantial future financial costs which will become necessary to tend to the extensive needs of the child as the infant matures. Damages for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, future loss of income and competitive advantage, and loss of care, guidance and companionship are among types of damages also available. This is a very complex area of the law and medicine and requires skilled management of the case to be successful and ensure that all potential issues are addressed and future needs are fully considered. Let the experience and expertise of Todd Barney assist your family in these difficult cases.
Email Todd today if you or a loved one have been affected by a birth injury.